Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Artikel Bahasa Inggris

The History Of Ecommerce

  Putting your business online is the latest way for you to become successful. For the first time ever online sales over took those of the high street with total sales worth 31.5 Billion. So if you are not trying to take advantage of this then you are missing out on the chance of growth. By using the online community you can connect to over 2.3 billion people that are all willing to buy your products if you have what they want. This is what ecommerce is all about. It is the buying and selling of products over the internet. The world’s first online shop was created in 1979 by Michael Aldrich and then 2 years later Thomson Holidays UK becomes the first Business-to-Business (B2B) online shopping company. These were the origins of ecommerce and people began trading over different networks as the internet had not been invented yet. In 1984 Tesco became the first Business-to-Customer (B2C) online and Mrs Snowball becomes the world’s first online home shopper. This is when ecommerce took off as people could now shop from home online if they had a computer although these were rare. Over the next few years businesses began using networks to their advantage and in 1990 the internet was invented by Tim Berners-Lee. It then took 2 years for the first graphical, fully iconic navigated online shop which was invented by Terry Brownlee. As years went by more online shops developed and different browsers developed which open different opportunities to people. In 1994 Pizza Hut began offering online ordering for its food and magazine companies began offering online subscriptions which became a huge success.
In 1995 a huge step was taken towards what we have today as CompuServe let WH Smith complete the first online secure transaction which was by Paul Stanfield who brought a book. Although this may not seem huge it enabled companies to begin making secure payments without the risk of fraud and losing out on money. As well as this CompuServe became the first national online shopping service for the UK and this service feature companies like WH Smith, Tesco and Virgin. As well as this in this year Amazon was launched as were the first 24 hour fully online radio stations which were called Radio HK and Net radio. Soon after this happen eBay was founded making 1995 a big year for the ecommerce that be now have today.
In 1998 PayPal was founded and from then secure transactions online become even more secure. This is still used today and is the biggest payment transaction website in the world. Electronic postage stamps became available during this year as well and with these you would just simply print them off and use them. Then in 1999 media sharing website Napster was launched and this was one the biggest innovations for online media ecommerce. 3 years after this eBay took a huge step in its future by acquiring PayPal for a reported $1.5 Billion and this began the link between the two services.
In 2003 Amazon recorded its first yearly profits and it was an example how the internet had finally become a source of profit for businesses. From here other businesses began to take note that they could become successful from using the internet. Internet sales for that year topped £30bn in the USA who were the main users of online shopping during that time.
Since then ecommerce has grown significantly and is the most important thing for many businesses. Ecommerce also enables anyone to start and run a successful business from their own home.

Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

[TIPS & TRICK] Cara Supaya DP/PP Di BBM Bisa Full

Buat agan-agan yg risih liat dp nya setiap kali mau ganti DP mesti di potong tuh dp gk bisa full , tadi malam ane coba" ternyata bisa full juga dp ane langsung saja ok siapakan : 

- Foto yg mau di jadikan DP
- masuk ke Root explorer
- cari fotonya di folder foto agan
- rename (misalnya IMG_1122313_1.png / IMG_11223313_1.jpg ) tinggal di ubah saja formatnya dengan mengganti nya menjadi (IMG_1122313_1.gif)

semoga membantu :)

Alternatif Ganti Display Picture BBM

Saat ingin ganti foto DP (display picture) di bbm for android nggak bisa, masalahnya terjadi force close saat ganti foto. lalu tanya kesana-kemari di grup ini nggak ada solusi. ane ubek ubek aja file di root dan ternyata bisa dengan cara ane ganti DP BBM.

bahan :
HH harus rooted
root explorer
aplikasi resize foto (opsional)
foto alay
tampang ganteng

caranya :

buka root explorer lalu masuk ke :


nah, foto agan yang mau diganti di copy disini, dan nggak perlu di rubah permissions nya.

lalu buka bbm dan ganti dengan foto sample atau gambar contoh maka disitu akan ada foto yang telah di copy tadi dan ganti deh. taraaa hahaha terganti deh DP agan.

- Jika foto sudah masuk di deretan avatar tapi agan masih tidak bisa menganti atau terganti DP nya, solusinya foto agan di resize dulu.
- Cara ini juga bisa diterapkan di Di ROM lain yang memiliki masalah yang sama.

SHARE APP Chainfire 3D

Buat yg sneng main games HD wajib instal Chainfire 3D (ROOT is required for this program)

How to Install:

1) Install Chainfire 3D apk
2) Install Chainfire 3D Pro (Licensi) apk
3) Chose a Plug-ins file, unpack it in SD.
4) Open chainfire3D then allow super user.
5) Select the CF3D Driver, and then Install. Phone restarts.
6) Start the Chainfire3D and select the item Install plugin.
7) Wait till it found plug-ins .zip file
9) Fix market setting
10) After this, go to Default OpenGL settings -> Use plugin
11) Choose POWERVR
12) Minimize Chainfire3D & paly the game

Cara mengembalikan IMEI yang hilang

Terkadang hal yang tidak kita harapkan dalam melakukan flashing ROM bisa terjadi seperti kehilangan IMEI ataupun invalid IMEI. Tentunya kalo ponsel/tablet kamu kehilangan IMEI kamu tidak dapat menggunakan panggilan telpon,SMS dan internet via GPRS/3G.Tutorial kali ini kami akan share cara mengembalikan IMEI yang disebabkan karena flashing STOCK ROM atau Custom ROM ataupun hal lainya.
Perhatian- Tutorial ini hanya untuk Android yang menggunakan chipset Mediatek- Untuk cara mengetahui IMEI ponsel/tablet android kamu lihat di Box atau sticker yang berada di bodynya biasanya terdapat di balik batere.
Metode 1: Dengan Menggunakan MTK Engineering
  • Masuk ke MTK Engineering dengan cara dial *#*#3646633#*#*
  • Kemudian klik “Connectivity” dan pilih CDS information selanjutnya “Radio Information
  • Berikutnya klik SIM 1 nanti muncul AT+, kamu hapus AT+ kemudian di ketik lagi AT+ nanti muncul opsi AT+ kemudian pilih AT+EGMR=1,7,”" dan masukan nomor IMEI ponsel kamu diantara spasi contohnya: AT+EGMR=1,7,”1234567890″.
  • Setelah selesai kamu masukin nomor imeinya klik “SEND AT COMMAND
  • Untuk SIM 2 sama caranya cuma pilih AT+EGMR=1,10,”"
  • Sekarang coba restart Android kamu dan cek IMEI dengan dial ke *#06#
Metode 2: Dengan Menggunakan Terminal EmulatorPastikan Android kamu sudah di ROOT untuk menggunakan metode ini:Download Terminal Emulator di Google PlayStoreKemudian jalankan aplikasi Terminal EmulatorSelanjutnya ketik:suecho ‘AT +EGMR=1,7,”masukan imei SIM 1 ponsel/tablet android”‘> /dev/pttycmd1echo ‘AT +EGMR=1,10,”masukan imei SIM 2 ponsel/tablet android”‘> /dev/pttycmd1

Metode 3: Dengan Menggunakan MTDroid ToolsPastikan Android kamu sudah diROOT dan di PC yang kamu gunakan sudah terinstall ADB Driver
  1. Download MTDRoid Tools jalankan otomatis akan filenya terextract
  2. Kemudian jalankan MTKdroidTools.exe
  3. Selanjutnya Hubungkan Android kamu ke PC via kabel USB
  4. Tunggu sampai MTK Droid Tools mendeteksi Android kamu
  5. Setelah terdeteksi semua klik “ROOT” sampai dapat “temporary have Root shell access” (ditandai dengan kotak kecil warna hijau dibawah)
  6. Berikutnya klik tombol IMEI/NVRAM nanti muncul window change imei BACKUP/RESTORE NVRAM
  7. Setelah itu masukan IMEI 1 dan IMEI 2 sesuai dengan IMEI yang tertulis di Box ponsel/tablet Android kamu.
  8. Kemudian klik Replace IMEI. nanti akan keluar popup klik “OK”
  9. Selanjutnya android kamu akan Restart
  10. Setelah hidup kembali cek IMEI android kamu dengan mengetik *#06#
  11. Untuk jaga2 backuplah IMEI dengan MTKDroid 
link mtkdroid : Sedot Yang Ini

* Pada saat restore rom kalo ada pilihan  nvram gk usah di centang karna kalao imeinya gk cocok bisa terjadi masalah di atas
* Saya pernah ngalamin yang seperti ini dan saya pakai cara pertama berhasil tp kalo di flash ulang hilang lagi,
* Kemudian saya pakai cara yang ke 3, setelah itu di flash ulang pakai stock rom ,hasilnya imeninya tidak hilang     lagi. ALhamdulillah...

[TIPS & TRICK] Root Tanpa Risiko (Tested)

Langsung aja gan, ane mau share aplikasi PC buat root HH agan dengan 1 klik tanpa risiko, udah ane coba pake HH ane.
  • Pertama, download aplikasi Kingoapp disini Sedot dimari gan
  • Install aplikasi tersebut di PC agan.
  • Hubungkan HH agan dengan PC via kabel USB, pastikan USB debugging hidup.
  • Buka aplikasi Kingoapp di PC agan, secara otomatis HH agan akan terdeteksi oleh aplikasi tersebut.
  • Kalau HH agan udah terdeteksi, klik ROOT pada aplikasi tersebut.
  • Secara otomatis, aplikasi akan mendownload driver2 HH agan dari internet, jadi usahakan koneksi internet tidak terputus dan koneksi ke HH tidak terganggu.
  • Tunggu beberapa saat sampai HH agan restart otomatis dan aplikasi Kingoapp menunjukkan HH agan berhasil diroot.
  • Setelah restart otomatis dan aplikasi menunjukkan bahwa root sukses, eject HH agan via safely remove USB device di PC.
  • Cek apakah aplikasi SuperSU sudah terinstall di HH agan, kalo udah terinstall berarti HH agan udah berhasil diroot.

[TIPS & TRICK] Cara Mengatasi Limited Access Wifi Tethering

Di musim hujan dan penghujung tahun ini, saya ingin berbagi sedikit ilmu greget mengenai cara mengatasi masalah wifi limited access di windows 7. Mungkin agan bingung setelah memakai cusrom pas mau pake wifi tethering hotspot malah connection limited access, penyebab utamanya adalah karena IP adress anda mengalami tabrakan/crush bukan tabrakan yg kaya di sinetron ya gan..hehe.

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah simple dan mudah akan saya jelaskan di bawah ini:
1. Buka control panel-->pilih network and internet-->pilih network and sharing centre-->pilih change adapter setting-->klik kanan pada wireless network connections-->pilih properties

2. klik 2x pada internet protocol version 4  (TCP/IPv4)-->pilih obtain an IP adress automatically dan pilih obtain an DNS server adress automatically lalu klik ok

 Trick ini sudah saya coba dan alhamdulillah berhasil, kl ada yg ga berhasil kemungkinan besar driver wireless anda mengalami kerusakan, solusinya silahkan uninstal driver tersebut kemudian instal dengan driver yang kompatibel dengan komputer anda.

Sekian tips dan trick dari saya, kurang lebihnya mohon mangap.. wkwk mohon maap :D